Histoplasma Ag, U

Test ID: ZH089

Componet(s): Z6514 Histoplasma Gal’mannan Ag Ur LOINC: 44524-7

CPT code: 87385
Specimen Type: Random Urine (unpreserved)
Frequency: 2 – 5 days
Instructions: 5 mL Urine , Refrigerated. Min 1 mL.
Text: Diagnosis of histoplasmosis based upon detection of antigen. Antigen detection may be useful in acute disease, especially in individuals also infected with HIV, who frequently have the disseminated form of histoplasmosis without detectable antibodies to the fungus. In chronic disease, antigen may not be detected due to the low fungal burden.
Methodology: Enzyme immunoassay (EIA)

REFLEX TEST: Z6515 Histoplasma Gal Ag Qn U LOINC: 48952-6

Test Name

AMS Laboratory

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