Arsenic Fractionation, Random Urine

Test ID: ZG847

CPT code: 82175
Specimen Type: Random Urine
Frequency: Setup: Mon-Fri; analytic time 2 days
Instructions: 5mL random urine in clean, plastic aliquot container with no metal cap
or glued insert. No seafood 48 hrs prior. Refrigerate.
Text: Useful for diagnosis of arsenic intoxication. Inorganic arsenic is the
toxic form, while organic arsenic is non-toxic.
Components: Z5071 Inorganic Arsenic U; Z5072 Organic Arsenic U; Z7496 Total Arsenic; Z8009 Methylated Arsenic; Z8010 Toxic Arsenic Concentration Qual.
Methodology: Ion Chromatography Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry

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